

Family History Search with Historical Records

Discover your ancestry - search Birth, Marriage and Death certificates, census records, immigration lists and other records - all in one family search!


MyHeritage is the leading global discovery platform for exploring family history, uncovering ethnic origins, and finding new relatives.

MyHeritage: Family tree & DNA

令人震撼的Deep Nostalgia™功能之家。 MyHeritage的Android應用程序- 分享家族喜事,發現,編輯家族歷史,與家人隨時,在任何地方保持聯系。 MyHeritage移動程序的功能 ...

Reveal your Ethnicity & Ancestry | DNA Testing

Your DNA reveals your unique heritage — the ethnic groups and geographic regions you originate from. Find new relatives you never knew existed ...

免費家譜、族譜、家族史以及DNA 檢測

建立您的家譜。採用MyHeritage DNA 檢測進行溯源和基因測試。存取20.2 十億筆歷史記錄進行家譜調查。

在App Store 上的「MyHeritage: Family Tree & DNA」

Explore your roots, find new relatives, and make amazing discoveries with genealogical search tools and an intuitive family tree builder.


Discover. Preserve. Share. Your family history. 登入 登入. 忘了您的密碼? 忘記密碼? 提交. 返回登入頁面. 忘記密碼? 因為保證緣故,請您指定您的電話號碼:.